Sunday, July 14, 2013

Recipe of the week:
The Most Delicious 
Garlicy Lemony Shrimp Pasta Ever


4 cloves of garlic
5 tablespoons of olive oil
1 lemon
1/2 a tomato
3/4 lb. raw shrimp
1/2 a bag of gluten free pasta (I prefer Bionaturae Spaghetti)


1. Make pasta as you cook the shrimp and sauce.
2. Mince garlic and set aside.
3. Cut tomato into cubes and set aside.
4. Cut lemon into 4-6 slices and squeeze juice into a separate bowl.  Remove seeds and set aside.
5.In a sauce pan saute garlic in olive oil on medium heat until caramel brown.
6. Once garlic is brown, add lemon sauce and mix well. Let it heat for 1 minute. (Keep heat on medium)
7. Add shrimp to the sauce.  Heat on medium low for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked.
8. Once the shrimp is fully cooked, turn off heat.
9. Add tomatoes to the shrimp and sauce and stir.
10. Immediately pour the sauce and shrimp over the pasta and mix in thoroughly. 
11. Enjoy!

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